Francesco Cavestri’s lecture-concert, entitled ” JAZZ / HIP-HOP, TWO BROTHER GENRES.” was presented in Bologna schools to celebrate “The International Jazz Day/Day,” among the initiatives of JAZZOCENE “The Italy of Jazz Today and Tomorrow – States General” of the Federation The Italian Jazz (IJI) ( held in Bologna May 19-22, 2022, promoted by the association “Jazz Goes to School” ( in collaboration with the GB Martini Conservatory – of which Francesco is a graduate student – and the National Committee for Practical Learning of Music for All Students of the Ministry of Education. It was also presented at the Time In Jazz festival directed by Paolo Fresu (more specifically within the Time to Children review) and at the Sala Paradiso of the Circolo Arci in San Lazzaro di Savena
The 1 h 30 workshop in collaboration with “Jazz Goes to School” introduces the concert that Cavestri will present at the Casa del Jazz on April 29, 2023, celebrating with the two events the UNESCO-recognized International Jazz Day on April 30.
The workshop would involve young people from a number of schools in Rome and beyond (via remote connection) to introduce them to the countless intersections between jazz and the genres that young people listen to assiduously today, such as hip hop, R&B and electronic music.
Through a journey through the origins of jazz and hip hop, passing by the artists who most navigated between the two genres, the lecture-concert will develop theoretical moments aimed at the transmission of knowledge accompanied by concert and listening moments that bring young participants closer to the essence of this music.
The tracks covered range from big record hits, through more underground realities, to the listening of two pieces contained in Cavestri’s debut album entitled “Early 17,” in which some of the hip hop songs that have most fascinated him in recent years are reinterpreted in a jazz key, demonstrating how these genres meet, contaminate and develop each other.
Jazz, still little known to the younger generation today, is actually the generating engine of all those genres of music most listened to today. To become aware of this means first of all to appreciate modernity, innovations, and new sounds even more, but without forgetting the origins.
At the end of the workshop some of the young participants may be honored/invited to the evening concert where Francesco Cavestri, accompanied by his trio featuring Riccardo Oliva on bass and Joe Allotta on drums, will present his album “Early 17” in its entirety.
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Francesco Cavestri Bio
Class of 2003, Francesco Cavestri entered the Jazz Course of the Bologna Conservatory of Music when he was only 13. After years of study and dedication to the piano instrument at the G.B. Martini Conservatory in Bologna (where he is now in his final academic year), he landed in the United States at a very young age. Here he got to hang out in the New York music scene and achieve major accomplishments, including enrolling in the Summer School at Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he will also get a scholarship in 2021.
On March 18, 2022, his debut album “Early 17” was released with 9 previously unreleased tracks and features Fabrizio Bosso and Silvia Donati, a combination of hip-hop, soul and R&B, with elements of contemporary jazz- fusion. Francesco Cavestri then presented the album in two evenings at Bravo Caffè, together with well-known trumpeter Fabrizio Bosso.
On July 12 he performed at the Piazza Carducci festival in Bologna with the band of young American musicians from Boston’s Berklee College of Music in an evening entitled Francesco Cavestri and the Berklee Messengers.
In August 2022 he was a guest at the prestigious Time In Jazz festival in Berchidda, directed by Paolo Fresu, presenting a lecture-concert entitled “Jazz/Hip hop – two brother genres,” which he also took to several schools and theaters in collaboration with the association Il Jazz Va a Scuola.
In October 2022 he is in the official program of the Bologna Jazz Festival where he performs with a special double trio performance, recording two sold-out performances in a row, where he is accompanied by two of the most promising musicians in the hip-hop and electronic scene: bassist Riccardo Oliva and drummer Joe Allotta, with whom he creates a very interesting trio that performs in excellent contexts such as the Alexanderplatz Jazz Club in Rome and the Cantina Bentivoglio in Bologna.
In February 2023 he also recorded his first soundtrack for a Rai Production Podcast telling the story of Denis Bergamini.
“Jazz and Hip-Hop, Two Sibling Genres” by Francesco Cavestri
“Jazz and Hip-Hop, Two Sibling Genres” by Francesco Cavestri
28 April 2023
h 11:30