Discover the history
of the casa del jazz

The Casa del Jazz, situated in Viale di Porta Ardeatina inside a large park, consists of three buildings that host different activities. Inside the main building, there is a multipurpose auditorium with 150 seats: this is used for live concerts, film shows and discussion sessions.

A sophisticated recording system enables records and discs to be produced, thus allowing concerts and events hosted in the Casa del Jazz to be immortalized and made available to a wider public.

There is also an extensive audio-visual archive in the building, which can be consulted through multimedia access points, and there is a library that is open to the public.

As regards the other two buildings, one houses rehearsal and recording rooms and accommodation for guest musicians, while the other houses a restaurant. The Casa del Jazz was a project dear to the heart of former mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, and it derived from the confiscation of a Villa belonging to Enrico Nicoletti, the boss of the Banda della Magliana criminal gang, which was subsequently handed over to the Rome Municipal Council. A memorial stone at the entrance, engraved with the names of mafia victims and made in collaboration with Don Ciotti’s anti-mafia Libera association, testifies to the victory represented by the restoration of the villa to the city and its citizens.

The resident orchestras

the spaces

Recording studios

Recording Studios

Bibliography and media library

Boris Vian asked jazz lovers to make a will of their collections, stressing the urgency of saving their heritage.

Jazz House Park

Villa Osio is spread over an area of 2,500 square meters and surrounded by a park of 25,240 square meters

the spaces

Bring me here

Recording studios

Recording Studios

Bibliography and media library

Boris Vian asked jazz lovers to make a will of their collections, stressing the urgency of saving their heritage.

Jazz House Park

Villa Osio is spread over an area of 2,500 square meters and surrounded by a park of 25,240 square meters

the record

our partners

Casa del Jazz is managed by
Fondazione Musica per Roma
Fondazione Musica per Roma manages the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone and Casa del Jazz