• 02/07/2023
  • 21:00

Arianna Porcelli Safonov

Homeophonie – Homeopathic fables for adults

Arianna Porcelli Safonov
Michele Staino, double bass, electric bass
Renato Cantini, trumpet

Eight daily outbursts written and performed by Arianna Porcelli Safonov, enhanced by music by two young crossover composers who are highly regarded nationally, Renato Cantini and Michele Staino. Like so long ago, when fairy tales were sung and witches burned, “Omeophonie” is a small treasure chest delivered to the listener, a musical treasure chest dense with voices and fevered urges, cynicisms and deep morals that today sound like insults to modernity but once upon a time, at the end of fairy tales taught something great and imperishable. Morality goes back to teaching by making people laugh and thus proves healing. Like fairy tales. Like Jazz.

Eight fables eager to cure from contemporary decadence. Eight microcosms full of sensations that are as human as they come. Eight small stories that draw powerful and psychotic everyday characters: the obsession with the approval of others in All that Jazz, the viciousness with which society pounces on students preparing them for the torment that befalls creatives everywhere in How a Young Designer Dies. And then the morbid worship that accompanies the dead celebrated by Benito and the taste for funerals, the bitter revelation that one gets paid with nothing of The new currency, the taste to the gall of opportunism in love of Furesta, the commentary of a bulimic criminal act of Strabel and the consolatory symphony for all adults who, like Richi find themselves having to fight heroically against children every day, losing miserably.

  • Reduced single seat – 16€
  • Single full seat – 20€
Casa del Jazz is managed by
Fondazione Musica per Roma
Fondazione Musica per Roma manages the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone and Casa del Jazz